20 Ağustos 2013 Salı

What is it and who is affected? (Kidney Cancer)

What is it and who is affected?

Kidney cancer ranks third in frequency of urological tumors and accounts for 3 percent of all tumors in the body.

Maximum frequency appears between the fifth and seventh decades of life, but can occur at any age. About sex, it is more common in men than in women by a ratio of 2/1.

Renal cell carcinoma is the type most common kidney cancer, accounting for over 90% of malignant tumors of the kidney. Approximately 80% of people with renal cell carcinoma have a clear cell carcinoma.

Less common types of cancerous tumors include transitional cell carcinomas, Wilms tumors, and renal sarcomas.

The transitional cell carcinomas, are also known as urothelial carcinomas. They originate in the renal pelvis (the junction of the ureter and kidney) and behave very similar to bladder cancer.

What are its causes?

The causes of kidney cancer are still unknown, although it has been linked to certain genetic diseases and snuff consumption.

Cigarette smoking increases by approximately 40% the risk of renal cell carcinoma.

People with von Hippel-Lindau often suffer from various types of tumors. Between 25% and 45% of these patients develop renal cell carcinoma generally clear cell type.

What are your symptoms?

The clinical presentation of kidney cancer is very variable. Currently, 40-50 percent of kidney tumors are diagnosed by ultrasonography during a routine medical check, when the tumor has not yet caused any symptoms.

In other cases, diagnosed from clinical symptoms can cause the tumor as pain at the lower back, palpable abdominal mass or have blood in the urine.

In approximately 50% of cases, while detecting the cancer has not spread beyond the kidney. In 25% of people, when the cancer is detected locally grown outside the kidney, and the remaining 25% will have metastasized to other parts of the body such as the lungs or bones.

In the early stages of the disease may not have any symptoms. These may appear as the tumor grows.

The most common symptoms are:

Blood in the urine.
Mass in the abdomen.
Pain in the side that does not go away.
Loss of appetite.
Weight loss for no known reason.

What is the treatment?

Surgery is the standard treatment for tumors in which it is possible to cure the disease in over 50% of cases.

In advanced stages, surgery may help alleviate the symptoms caused by the tumor and in some patients with metastasis few, you can get a better survival if performed excision of the tumor and metastases.

At present, the preferred treatment of kidney cancer nephrectomy is enlarged. In this operation removes the entire kidney along with the fat that surrounds and nodes adjacent to the area of ​​the vessels supplying the kidney. In tumors affecting the upper pole includes the removal of the adrenal gland.

Due to improved early diagnosis techniques that reveal smaller tumors, treatment may be modified performing a partial nephrectomy. This technique removes only the portion of the kidney in which the tumor, preserving the remaining healthy kidney. Partial nephrectomy is performed when tumors whose size does not exceed 4-5 cm in diameter and are located in areas of the kidney where they are not affected or may be involvement of the blood vessels that nourish the kidney.

Approximately 25% of patients with kidney cancer and metastases at time of diagnosis.

If the tumor is located but you can not operate, you can try to alleviate the symptoms they cause by radiation therapy or by selective blockage of blood vessels that sustain (arterial embolization).

Radiation therapy can help alleviate symptoms caused by the tumor pirmario (pain, bleeding) or metastases (eg, bone pain or nerve involvement).

Conventional chemotherapy has not been very successful in the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma.

Immunotherapy is a treatment that stimulates the immune system to fight the tumor, using special substances: interferon or interleukin. These treatments may be able to lessen the symptoms and make a profit, modest, survival, especially if the kidney is removed before treatment.

The anti-angiogenic drugs have shown promising efficacy in kidney tumors with metastasis. Sorafenib has been the first drug of this family recently marketed for the treatment of kidney cancer. Other drugs such as sunitinib (Sutent ®) and bevacizumab, have also been shown to be active.

The transitional cell carcinomas, usually treated with surgery to remove the kidney and ureter and the bladder where the ureter joins. Often used chemotherapy and radiation, and surgery.

Kidney Cancer Cure !

What is kidney cancer?

Cancers of the kidney may originate in different areas of the kidneys. In addition to the rare, mainly occurring nephroblastoma to the age of five, also known as Wilms' tumor, which may arise on the basis of different types of tissue of the kidney, malignant changes may also, affect tissue lining the renal pelvis. These rarely occurring form of kidney cancer is related to cancer of the bladder and ureters and how these are treated. The most commonly occurring at about 90% form is the so-called RCC RCC. The origin of this disease is a malignant change in cells that line the Harnkanäle (tubules).

Structure and function of the kidneys

Organ system in the body, the kidneys take over vital functions. The most important job of the kidneys is to filter non-recyclable end products of metabolism from the blood and the excretion of waste products. Additionally, the body regulates its water and electrolyte balance by the kidneys. In the kidneys, hormones are formed, which are engaged in the regulation of blood pressure (renin) or the production of red blood cells influence (erythropoietin). The kidneys are usually found in pairs and are located in the posterior abdomen, below the ribcage, right and left of the spine. About the renal artery, the blood enters the kidney. There (capillaries) of the nephrons of the primary urine is filtered from the blood through the windowed walls of many small blood vessels. A complex chemical filtering process leads to the excretion of waste products from the blood into the urine. This is passed through the urinary tubules. The cleaned blood flows from the renal vein. The so-called primary urine usable salts and needed further liquid or withdrawn. Finally, the concentrated urine of the calices is passed into the renal pelvis and collected in the bladder until its evacuation.

Who gets kidney cancer?

Among the cancer Kidney cancer is a rare form of cancer occurring. Only about two percent of all cancers affecting the kidneys. Among kidney cancer, renal cell carcinoma is the largest share (about 90%). Men are twice as likely to be affected by this form of kidney cancer as women and ill at an average age of about 63 years. In women, the kidney cancer is on average from 67 Age diagnosed.

Symptoms and signs of kidney cancer

In early stages, kidney cancer runs first without symptoms. Only in the more advanced stage of kidney cancer may be signs such as blood in the urine (hematuria) and pain occur in the flanks and rear. In addition, non-specific symptoms such as fever, intestinal disorders, colic, weight loss, fatigue, and high or low blood pressure may occur, but which may also be signs of other diseases.

13 Ağustos 2013 Salı

Find Out More About Kidney Cancer

Kidney tumors are benign and malign tumors detected masses are divided into 2 groups. There are many classification of renal tumors. The most common form of kidney mass simple renal cysts. Simple cysts usually do not produce symptoms, generates 70% of all renal masses, one or more of 50% over the age of olabilir.50 seen. These cysts can be distinguished from radiological neuroimaging ease. Most of the time kidney cysts arise incidentally does not threaten human life in no time. Renal cysts often do not require treatment, even if the cyst size year follow-up is sufficient. Structure to reach greater heights and renal impairment does cause pain if you need to intervene. Kidney cysts are divided into 4 categories radiologically. 2 This classification 1.ve yoktur.3 categories need further analysis. category should be investigated further, and make sure the surgical çıkartılmalıdırlar.4.kategorideki cysts surgically They should be called cancer.

Other benign tumors of the kidney;


Various amounts of smooth muscle, fat, and thick-walled vessels of a benign kidney tumors. These tumors are malignant tumors seen regularly more than tuberous sclerosis patients return to form very nadirdir.Yan pain, a palpable mass, and may manifest in the form of urine, bleeding, bleeding in 10% of patients artırabilir.Olguların gelişebilir.Hamilelik shock due to bleeding, and most of the ultrasound tomography easily diagnosed six months and one year konulabilir.4 cm controls the masses under the following surgical removal of the benefit of the masses on edilmelidir.4 cm vardır.Acil kidney-sparing surgery in patients presenting with bleeding is often difficult, nephrectomy should be performed.


Kidney Cancer

Oluşturur.50 accounted for 3-7% after the age of a benign renal tumors are common in men than in women is very common. Generally, a single-sided, double-sided, but there may be a large number of v. Radiological diagnosis is difficult, but when konulur.Çoğu definitive pathological diagnosis of the tumor nephrectomy or partial nephrectomy for kidney cancer is diagnosed, the condition is understood that after the oncocytoma.
Renal adenoma:Diameters of 1-3 mm hoses are usually rarely pass 1cm'i. Mostly seen in men, symptoms do not. Difficult to distinguish from cancer examinations, are often partial nephrectomy.


What Are the Risk Factors for Kidney Cancer?

Little urine in the kidney that collects urine from the kidney cancer and the cells lining the inside of kanalcıklarının (epithelium) is the source. Histologically, clear cell carcinoma, papillary cell carcinoma, collecting duct carcinoma, chromophobe cell carcinoma arising from the renal pelvis sınıflanabilir.Böbrekte also seem cancers in the bladder urothelial cancer in many respects, in the era of görülebilir.Çocukluk nephroblastoma (Wilm's tumor), kidney tumors, 80% oluştururEn that is often 2-4 years of age. Renal cell cancer (renal cell ca) 85% of all malignant kidney tumors in adult cancer constitutes approximately exceeding 3%. Today, approximately 30% of patients with kidney cancer is still the time of diagnosis are spread. Also nephrectomy for localized cancer is 20 to 30% of the patients develop metastatic disease in the next period. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment should be noted that given the full recovery of kidney cancer. If the cancer is diagnosed at an early stage of kidney survival rates were 70% to 100% of patients can be.

Renal cell cancer is the most important feature is that they are resistant to radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Give the poor response to hormonal therapy. Renal cell cancers, if caught early, so was limited to the kidney can be removed surgically. Limited to the kidney is the most effective treatment for renal cell cancer cases.


Other non-genetic risk factors listed below.

Kidney cancer usually occurs between the ages of 50-60. Is two times more than men by women. Cause of kidney cancer is not yet fully known. However, researchers have identified some risk factors for the development of kidney cancer. However, anyone who has these risk factors, such as kidney cancer, not get caught in any of these risk factors for kidney cancer patients are not available. The source of kidney cancer hereditary (inherited) features play an important role. Renal tumors occur at an early age, is double-sided and multiple hereditary renal cancers of the kidney should be considered. These cancers, for example, von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, hereditary papillary thyroid cancer, hereditary clear cell carcinoma, renal oncocytoma be hereditary.


One-end-stage renal failure and dialysis

2-acquired polycystic kidney disease with end-stage renal failure, toll-
Smoking and tobacco use third-
5-metal workers
7-Cadmium exposure
8-arsenic exposure
9-dry cleaning workers
11-Polycystic kidney disease
12-Long-term use of phenacetin
13-Long-term water tablets (diuretics) to use

What are the symptoms and how is it diagnosed?

Kidney Cancer Views:

Kidney cancer is the most frequently encountered clinical signs of bleeding in the urine, and pain in the abdomen defined as a hard mass in the form of 3-entity. Usually no symptoms in the early stage of kidney cancer, and for other reasons do not randomly determined tendency during ultrasonography or radiologic examinations. Diagnosis of stage 2 disease is diagnosed most frequently. Kidney tumors arise due to complaints of several reasons. In other words, as they are easier to treat if diagnosed early, increasing the possibility of getting rid of both cancer completely. However, the tumor grows and spreads, reduced lifetime risk is completely cured. Routine checks increases the likelihood of early diagnosis and disease provides completely get rid of. According to the prevalence of one or more of the following symptoms may indicate kidney cancer:
The most common complaint of pain, consult a doctor with complaints of pain in patients who are 41% i second major complaint is that the bleeding, bleeding, change in urine color, dark urine is in the form of making, hematuria in 38% of patients seen by the other major complaint is that the kidney bloating and palpable mass, it is seen in 24% of patients complain şikayettir.Diğer complaints complaints in cancer patients in general, weight loss, weakness, fatigue, fever also posed by the substances released from kidney cancer, hypertension can be seen as the complaints.

These symptoms may be a sign of kidney cancer caused by other diseases, such as infection. People who have these complaints do appear in a urology specialist. Early diagnosis of cancer treatment possible.

Renal Cell Carcinoma Metastasis and Velocity Zones:

In general, patients with bleeding in the urine in the first examination and medicated kidney ultrasound picture is taken. Ultrasound imaging of the urinary tract first choice nowadays, cheap, is easy, as the first step due to the emergency conditions are Pyelography yapılmalıdır.İntravenöz IVP (kidney Medicated film); calcification deposits called as white spots can be observed in these films. Intravenouspyelography alone was 75% accuracy rate.
Computed tomography for the diagnosis of kidney cancer, renal ultrasound and medicated more sensitive the film. 95% of the Nile dir.Kitlenin localization accuracy of CT in the diagnosis of local involvement in size and spread to surrounding tissues gives information about.
MR Imaging; side effects is low, with high accuracy to show the structure of the masses, be applicable to patients with renal insufficiency and contrast allergy, renal vein and inferior vena cava trombüslerini without the need to show the most important advantages of the contrast agent.
Scintigraphy: Bone metastases are thought to be useful in the case where bone pain, and alkaline phosphatase.PET (positron emission tomography), and about the course of treatment of patients with metastases guiding.
Biopsy may be considered in some cases have many doubts about the diagnosis, and often can be guided by computed tomography. However, the evaluation of the biopsy are problems.


What are the treatment options?

Ratio (%)Lung
30-40Regional lymph nodes
15-30The main renal vein
15-20Perirenal adipose tissue
10-20Adrenal (same side)
10-15Vena cava
10-13Against kidney

Kidney Cancer Treatment

General condition of the patient's tumor, the treatment of renal tumor size, extent of disease, patient age belirlenir.Böbrek radiotherapy and chemotherapy-resistant tumors, cancers that in general surgery remains the treatment of choice right now. The standard method of surgical treatment of kidney cancer. Or all of the kidney removed surgically or with a portion of the kidney tumor is removed.With radical nephrectomy operation kidney, adrenal gland and fat layers in the membrane around and along with removal of the tumor with a portion being removed entirely denir.Böbreğin denir.Cerrahi technically or partial nephrectomy or robotic operation can be made open or laparoscopic surgery. Pain and discomfort after surgery, the patient can be heard.

Additional Treatments Kidney Cancer

Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. Many other cancer

Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy radioactive source outside of the bodyfrom the use of high-energy rays to kill cancer cellsbased. The effectiveness of radiation therapy is different in different types of cancer. However, renalRadiation therapy is one of the few cancers to affect cancer. Therefore kidneyhas no place in the treatment of cancer are considered definitive.

Biological therapy (immunotherapy): Interleukin-2 and interferon, biological treatmentand in fact it is produced naturally in the body defense system used weaponsdescribed as substances. Outside the body by giving the patient's immunebetter use of the system, and to strengthen. Spread of cancer patientsApproximately 20% of these respond to treatment. These agents is determined by the doctoris within a program. Due to the side effects are extremely careful and experienced centersSuitable implementation. Biological monitoring of side effects during treatment for the patient is oftenremain in the hospital. As a side effect of this treatment of muscle pain, weakness, loss of attention, fever, vomiting and diarrheamay cause. Patients themselves often feel very tired. Some of them are skin rash.When treatment of these problems can be very serious, but these effects disappear.

How patient follow-up?

Although effective renal cancer, a very limited effect.

However, researchers are experimenting new drugs and drug combinations. Side effects of chemotherapyadministered drugs depends. In general, the rapidly growing cancer drugs affect blood cells and hair losscauses. As a result loss of resistance to diseases, and undergo a loss of energy.

Hormone therapy is used to control the growth of the cell Hormones.Hormone therapy is used in patients with advanced kidney cancer. Progesterone kidneycancer is the most common hormone. Often temporarily reduce symptomsfor "palliative treatment" is used. Today, it is not considered curative. Side effects are usuallymoderate. Weight drugs containing progesteronemay result in changes. Causes sweating and water loss. Side effects of stopping treatment will be lost.

OBRE post-treatment monitoring of cancer patients is very important. At intervals to be determined by the doctorphysical examination, chest x-ray and laboratory tests monitored. Doctor necessary ultrasonography,computed tomography scan or other tests may also ask for. Patients other than those described to it awhen faced with problems should consult a doctor immediately. After radical nephrectomyPatients should be monitored on a regular basis every 3-6 months. Illness is no progressnot be considered. Prognosis (course of the disease) and how it should be applied to a treatmentThere are factors that affect.

What is The Kindey Cancer?

Kidney cancer (renal cell cancer) is a malignant tumor arising from the name given to the kidney. Renal cell carcinoma is the most common form of cancer. Generally, advanced age (over 60 years) occurs. Some of the family at an early age can be seen in transitional species. Is more common in males than females. Early diagnosed and surgically placed and removed (nephrectomy) is very high chance of complete recovery. Cancer grows in the area around the lymph nodes, liver, colon and pancreas spread. In addition, other areas of the body by spreading through the blood and lymph cancer (bone, lung) can be accommodated.Less frequently in the kidney, transitional (transitional) cell tumors are seen. As in other parts of the urinary tract transitional cell bladder tumors are monitored and treated similarly.Symptoms of Kidney CancerIn the initial stages of this blood may not be very obvious reason to complain. However, the tumor grows and expands the possibilities of treatment is reduced. According to the prevalence of one or more of the following symptoms may occur;

    Blood in the urine: From time to time can be seen with the naked eye, and sometimes lost. In some cases, only the analysis of the urine may occur.
A mass in the kidney
The general state of illness
Weight loss
Recurrent high fever
High blood pressure (hypertension)
Anemia (anemia)Cancer has spread (metastasis) can be seen in the findings regarding organ spread. For example, has spread to the lungs, cough, shortness of breath, bloody sputum in patients with possible spread of the bone such as bone pain, patients with brain propagation, headache, loss of appetite, loss of consciousness may be signs.These symptoms may be a sign of cancer as well as infections caused by other problems. People who have these complaints do appear in a urology specialist.Kidney Cancer Treatment

Surgery: Kidney tumor therapy based forms. Removing the chance to live in the presence of a large renal tumor surgery is very low. Radical nephrectomy is the most common surgical methods. This is all the tissues around the kidneys and removed in surgery. Only one point out of it settled in the kidney and small kidney tumors, or those with only one kidney tumors, all of which today instead of removing only the tumor tissue, called partial nephrectomy and removal process, tap, tap sound in the right environment can be 1 cm.
Chemotherapy: Cancer drugs by mouth or veins is given to the patient. Unfortunately, kidney tumors, cancer medicines more affected. Thus, cancer chemotherapy is a standard for type available.
Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy kills cancer cells with radiation rays. Who underwent surgery, radiation therapy or as an adjunct therapy is based on the overall situation are those who may not tolerate surgical treatments. Deployments with advanced stages of cancer (metastasis), which is caused by bleeding in the treatment of symptoms such as pain, are also used.
Hormone therapy is used to control the growth of the cell Hormones. Hormone therapy is used in patients with advanced kidney cancer.

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12 Ağustos 2013 Pazartesi

Advanced Kidney Cancer

About Advanced Kidney Cancer 

In order to understand the reasons for advanced kidney cancer, which function to fulfill before tasarlandıklarını kidneys and poor health in general, the role of these bodies would be useful to know. 
We understand the task of the kidney 

Easier to understand the function performed by the kidneys filter devices can be compared to these organs. Blood, kidney reaches the waste and excess water is filtered. Taking this process occurs, the kidneys clean the blood returns to the body, wastes and excess water is transferred to the bladder as urine.

We can understand how the tumors 

Kidneys as well as other parts of our body consists of cells. The normal cells produce new cells divided if necessary. Sufficient number of cells produced, the division stops, but sometimes not stop the cells divide. If you are not enough cells continue to divide the number of cancer cells, the cells can be reached. These cells accumulate in benign (not cancerous tumor bearing) or malignant (cancer that has spread throughout the body growing and enabled) tumor (growth or mass of cells) can become.• Benign masses are not cancer. Most of the time, and often re-produced, is possible to get them.• Malignant masses continue to grow and more serious. Kidney cancer is a malignant tumor in the kidney occurs, it is called. Even when a malignant kidney tumors, cancer cells spread to other regions of the body can lead to the development of the tumor. Once that happens kidney cancer, defined as advanced.When defining your doctor with advanced kidney cancer who feed, renal cell carcinoma (RCC) may use the term, because this is the most common type of kidney cancer. 
Advanced Kidney Cancer Causes and Risk Factors
 What are the risk factors for patients with advanced kidney cancer?To know some of the risk factors for kidney cancer is important for our health to take precautions in advance. The majority of kidney cancers are renal cell carcinomas. While there is no known single cause kidney cancer caused some risk factors implicated in the disease are:• Age: People get older, increasing the risk of developing renal cell carcinoma. This increase is mostly in people over the age of 55 are at stake.• Gender: men are more likely than women the possibility of development of renal cell carcinoma.• Smoking: The risk of developing renal cell carcinoma in smokers is higher and longer duration of smoking also increased risk. However, quitting smoking can reduce the risk.• Obesity: Being overweight increases the risk of developing renal cell carcinoma in people.• High blood pressure: Because it is not known clearly, seems to increase the risk of high blood pressure, renal cell carcinoma• exposure to chemicals at work: a certain kind of chemical substances (eg asbestos, cadmium and trichlorethylene, etc.) may increase the risk of developing renal cell carcinoma in people working.• Kidney failure treatment: Long-term dialysis patients with chronic renal failure undergoing renal transplantation and immunosuppressive drugs in patients at increased risk for renal cell carcinoma.• Genetic factors: some inherited disorders of one or more individuals increases the likelihood of developing renal cell carcinoma.

Stages and Grading of Kidney CancerWhat is staging? 

Probably a certain stage, stating that the physician may have heard of kidney cancer. Staging is the process by your doctor, and to understand how far your cancer has a method of classifying cancer. Some of the tests used to determine which phase of cancer computed tomography (CT), chest X-rays and other imaging modalities.This staging system;• how large the tumor is• whether the spread of cancer cells,• where cancer cells spread tells us. 
How does it affect the staging of cancer treatment? 

The diagnosis of kidney cancer staging method of monitoring the way in which it will be correct to treat the physician help you to decide. Often I. and II. particularly in the treatment of cancers are surgery alone. Advanced kidney cancer, labeled IV. The first step in the treatment of kidney cancer, the stage of surgery, although it is usually followed by one or more drug treatment. These drugs are used simultaneously, instead of being sequentially and is thus started the journey of a treatment. 
Cancer cells ratings mean? 

Rating, a method that helps the physician to determine the characteristics of cancer cells. Physicians cancers using a method called Fuhrman Rating on a scale of one to four of them. Accordingly, the first degree of kidney cancers are the most promising course of the disease. 
Rating affects how the treatment of kidney cancer?

 Rating, whichever is the most appropriate treatment for your decision-making process is one of the important tools that help your doctor. Can also help to determine the likelihood of success of the treatment.Treatment of Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma Getting your journeyThe importance of creating a treatment plan for patients with advanced kidney cancerTreatment of patients with advanced kidney cancer, has the characteristics of a journey passed through many phases. Other journeys on this trip as it is important to have a plan of action. Should be noted that many different treatment of patients with advanced kidney cancer. Therefore, you have to know as much as possible about the treatment of patients with advanced kidney cancer, the best for both you and your doctor can help you determine the action plan. 
Treatment of the steps in the journey 

Treatment of the steps in the journey of both surgical and drug therapy may be considered. More than one medication is a common condition being treated and the treatment should be noted that drugs that can help you at every stage. In this process, so you know what to expect in the early oncology specialist will work with you to create a treatment plan. Treatment of the exact sequence of steps you can take in during the journey will be unique, and your doctor will perform at various stages of treatment will be determined as a result of the negotiations. However, with advanced kidney cancer treatment usually consists of four steps: 
• Surgery: Taking a portion or all of the kidney• First-line treatment: the first drug used to treat cancer. Also referred to as the primary therapy or primary treatment.• Second-line therapy: first-line therapy starts yaramamaya work or when you have to cut off the drug because of side effects that can not be tolerated.• Third-line therapy: When both the first and second-line therapy yaramamaya work or when you have to cut off the drug because of side effects that can not be tolerated.

General İnformation About Kidney Cancer

Kidney Cancer

General Information

Red-brown in color, covered with a thin capsule kidneys are two organs in the form of beans. The kidneys are located at the rear of the upper abdomen. Rib and lower back muscles kemiklerince protected against external influences. Kidneys, blood, waste and toxic substances from the body by filtering the water spew out more minerals. Urine was filtered from the blood by the kidneys urine after the formation of the hollow tube called the ureter through the bladder (urinary bladder) is reached. Urine collected in the bladder, called the urethra out of the body through the other tube is a hollow urine is discarded.

Renal tumors are divided into two groups: benign and malignant. The most common tumor in the kidney, simple renal cysts. Kidney cancer is a mass of benign cysts are completely different. Most of the time kidney cysts occurring randomly in no time does not threaten human life. Renal cysts are often not even require treatment, is sufficient only to watch.Kidney cancer (renal cell cancer) is a malignant tumor arising from the name given to the kidney. The most common type of kidney cancer is renal cell carcinoma. Kidney cancer is often advanced age (over 60 years) occurs. Some of the family at an early age can be seen in transitional species. Is more common in males than females. Early diagnosed and surgically placed and removed (nephrectomy) is very high chance of complete recovery. Cancer grows in the area around the lymph nodes, liver, colon and pancreas spread. In addition, other areas of the body by spreading through the blood and lymph cancer (bone, lung) can be accommodated.Less frequently in the kidney, transitional (transitional) cell tumors are seen. As in other parts of the urinary tract transitional cell bladder tumors are monitored and treated similarly.

Risk Factors

Type of cancer as well as many other reason for kidney cancer is not yet fully elucidated. Kidney cancer patients, studies have shown some of these factors may pose risks. High blood pressure (hypertension), being overweight for a long time to see factors such as kidney dialysis treatment have been reported in patients with cancer. Two-fold higher risk of kidney cancer in smokers than nonsmokers. Smoking cessation reduces the risk over time. We also have a relative in the family of kidney cancer increases the risk of developing kidney cancer. Occupational risk factors for the steel industry, the lead industry, the oil and shipping industry (asbestos) workers have an increased risk of kidney cancer. Finally, the high fat and calorie diet increases the risk.


The tumor was little cause to a complaint may not be very obvious in the early stages of kidney cancer. Diagnostic edilebilirse disease can usually be treated in this period. In other words, if diagnosed early treatment becomes much easier, as well as increasing the possibility of getting rid of cancer completely.In general, when the tumor is caused by the complaint and the tumor grows and spreads reached very large decreases the possibilities of treatment. Mass and pain in the kidney area, such as bloody urine, kidney cancer, as well as other cancers also develop symptoms that may be associated with loss of appetite, fatigue, weight loss, may be symptoms such as recurrent fever. These symptoms may be a sign of kidney cancer be caused by other problems such as infection. Cancer has spread to organs spread can be seen in the findings. For example, has spread to the lungs, cough, shortness of breath in patients with possible spread of the bone such as bone pain, brain spread those headaches can be symptoms such as paralysis.


Diagnosis is often accidentally discovered renal mass screening for other reasons radiological diagnosis can be made. Book of the tumor is benign, but stay for good or bad, a method is not yet available. Therefore, until proven otherwise be considered kidney cancer diagnosed each group should go further analysis. Rarely both kidneys may show itself as more than one group. The patient's complaints, history, and subsequent research findings of the initial assessment to determine the doctor is very important.Blood and urine tests can be done at diagnosis. Even a small amount of urine examinations up to change the color of urine red blood cells (RBCs or erythrocytes) can be determined. To assess the relationship of adjacent structures and distant spread of the disease at diagnosis, the chest X-ray imaging techniques, intravenous pyelography (IVP), ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), bone scintigraphy, positron emission tomography (PET) can be made.


Treatment of renal tumor the patient's age, general health status, and are arranged according to the extent of the cancer. There are several treatment methods applied to kidney cancer. The gold standard for the surgical removal of the tumor in early stage cancers.Surgery: Surgical removal of the kidney is called nephrectomy and renal cancer, the standard treatment methods. Stage of the cancer, or kidney, depending on the size and number of the adrenal gland and is completely removed together with the surrounding layers (radical nephrectomy) or partial removal of the tumor (partial nephrectomy) surfaces. Other kidney is healthy kidney disease does not cause any problems for the health of the patient. Nephrectomy is the classical open surgery. But in recent years the so-called closed method using laparoscopic nephrectomy can be performed.Extracted from the tumor samples examined in the pathological type, character and is determined by the degree of spread. It gives information about the spill as well as the diagnosis is made. Sheath that surrounds the early stages of kidney cancer are limited. In this case no additional treatment is required. If the tumor is knocked out or the kidney out of the sheath is present elsewhere in need additional treatment after surgery.Radiotherapy (radiation therapy) with high-energy rays to kill cancer cells from outside the body is a treatment intended. A regional treatment. Radiation therapy has limited role in the treatment of kidney cancer, is not recommended as first-line treatment. Radiation therapy in some patients with advanced kidney cancer as well as other signs of bone pain due to involvement can be applied in order to eliminate.Chemotherapy drugs are used to kill cancer cells in a part of the name given. A single drug or several drugs used in combination. The effect of kidney cancer chemotherapy is limited and controversial. Widely used in patients with and distant spread.

Biological therapy (immunotherapy) is a method of treatment that uses the patient's immune system against cancer. Interferon and interleukin-2 from outside the body by giving drugs to strengthen the body's defense system. As a side effect of muscle pain, weakness, loss of attention, fever, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur. Patients themselves often feel very tired. Some of them are skin rash. These problems can be very serious, but at the end of treatment, these effects are lost.Hormone Therapy: used for advanced kidney cancer. Kidney cancer is the most commonly used hormone progesterone. Curing is not often used to reduce the symptoms temporarily. Weight changes, sweating and loss of water in the side effects.

Targeted Therapies: In recent years, a popular method of treatment. Only commonly used in patients with kidney cancer. Specifically targets the cancerous cells and other cells are not damaged. There are mechanisms that trigger cancer cell growth and proliferation. All of these mechanisms are not known. As far as I know, however, that cause cancer, drugs have been developed for silencing molecules. These molecules are responsible for communication intracellular signaling proteins and growth factors. Sunitinib and sorafenib targeted therapies are widely used around the world. Effectiveness of these drugs, and that we have already biological drugs such as interferon and interleukin-2 as is better.Also new tumor-specific small-vessel formation (angiogenesis) is intended to prevent the killing of the tumor by providing. The development of new blood vessels is important for the survival and growth of cancer. To do with a drug called bevacizumab preventing malnutrition as a result of the tumor neovasculature shown küçülebildiği cancer.Missed and hopeless in terms of life expectancy in patients with standard therapy of experimental treatment methods. Stimulating the immune system of patients against the tumor vaccine therapy, the administration of a substance based on the method. However, there is basically a matter of principle, to activate the immune system of the infected individual. In addition, another person (allogeneic) bone marrow transplant patients with a success has been achieved. However, this method still has not found widespread acceptance and usage.

Side effect

Side effects of treatmentSide effects of cancer treatment, treatment type, duration and vary depending on personal factors related to the patient.Nephrectomy is a major surgical operation. Pain and discomfort after surgery, the patient can be heard. However, caught in the early stages of healing can be achieved because the full potential patients can not afford injuries.Biological side effects of treatment depends on the type. These treatments are flu-like symptoms, muscle pain, weakness, loss of attention, fever, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur. Patients themselves often feel very tired. When treatment of these problems can be very serious, but these effects disappear.Depends on the side effects of chemotherapy drugs. In general, the rapidly growing cancer drugs affect blood cells and causes hair loss. Other side effects include severe malaise, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, immune system impairment, the side effects on blood cells counted. In some patients, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, mouth sores and taste changes can cause weight loss.